
AVID Property Group helps Top Blokes Foundationtackle men’s health in Maitland

March 6, 2023 | IN Media Release and News | BY AVID | 2 min read

Maitland’s Top Blokes Foundation will receive a $10,000 sponsorship from Waterford by AVID
Property Group this year.

AVID Property Group NSW Project Director Nathan Huon said they are delighted to once again
provide much needed funds to local initiatives and groups.

“Our 2023 Sponsorships and Grants Program is a way Waterford by AVID Property Group gives back
to the community, helping to foster the great community spirit that exists in Maitland,” Mr Huon said.

“This year is the second successive year we’ve sponsored the Top Blokes Foundation in Maitland.”

Top Blokes NSW State Manager Daniel Allars said the funds allow them to continue its junior Top
Bloke’s program in the local area, this year at St Bede’s Catholic College.

“The full cost of our program is $11,000, however it is hard for schools to cover that.

“Having the backing of AVID Property Group and their Waterford community really helps us to deliver
more programs to schools and open it up to more people,” Mr Allars said.

The junior mentorship program covers a range of topics from mental health, masculinity, and anger
management to consent, racism, pornography, and privilege.

Mr Allars said the ripple effect of their programs could be felt in the community, with early intervention
being a key achievement.

“Not everyone is lucky enough to have great male role models in their lives, so it’s so important for us
to provide those connections and help create a load of top blokes within the community,” Mr Allars

During the past 8 years AVID’s Sponsorships and Grants Program across new South Wales has
provided education on environmental change with Take 3 for the Sea, promoted health and wellness
amongst young people through local sport programs, community events and brought school
communities together.

AVID Sponsorships and Grants Program operates across our communities in Queensland, New South
Wales and Victoria.


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