COVID-19 Response
July 19, 2022 | IN Media Release and News | BY AVID | 2 min read
We encourage all persons that visit a sales office to wear masks, continue to socially distance and practice good hygiene.
AVID Property Group uses a systematic approach to the management of major incidents, emergencies and crises that seriously affect or have the potential to affect the group’s people (including shareholders, employees, contractors, consultants, partners and customers), business operations, assets and/or reputation. Protocols outlined in our COVID-19 WHSE Procedure describe AVID’s response to an extraordinary occurrence, namely the outbreak of COVID-19 virus.
Our COVID-19 procedure is designed to ensure AVID:
- Has a plan in place to respond to the issues created by the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Reviews our exposure and infection control policies and procedures, actively promote social distancing, good hand and respiratory hygiene and increase cleaning of common areas within the work environment;
- Develops and implements safe systems of work that take into account directions and advice provided by health authorities; and
- Keeps monitoring the COVID-19 situation as it develops, relying on information from authoritative sources such as public health authorities.
Latest State Updates
Each state has its specific Covid requirements, and their latest updates can be found here:
For the latest information on Covid restrictions that may affect you in Queensland, please visit
New South Wales
For the latest information on Covid restrictions that may affect you in New South Wales, please visit
For the latest information on Covid restrictions that may affect you in Victoria, please visit
“All AVID staff have reacted positively to the changes required of the business to minimize a potential outbreak of COVID-19 in the workplace. Our stakeholders have also managed to pivot their business’ rapidly to ensure we are all working together to comply with both state and federal legislative requirements to minimize infection rates in the country”.